Indian School Al Ghubra organized the Formal Farewell for the students of Class 12 on Tuesday, 24th of January 2023. The ceremony was graced by the presence of the Founder Dr. P Mohammed Ali and his wife Madam Rasiya, the President of School Management Committee - Mr. Ahmed Rayees, members of the School Management Committee and parents.
The Principal, Mrs. Papri Ghosh, welcomed the distinguished gathering and addressed the students. She thanked Dr. P Mohammed Ali for founding the institution from which many students have received quality education. She recited a poem to convey to the students the importance of self-belief and added that she believed in their abilities and strengths and was sure that they would all find their path and lead successful lives.
In his exhortation, Dr. P Mohammed Ali spoke about the students building a brand which stands for integrity , honesty and values that are integral to being a good human being. He advised the students to remain focused on their goals and not misuse the freedom they will find once they step out of the school. He also emphasized the need to adapt to the changes brought about by the swiftly evolving technology. He asked the students to give the parents and teachers a standing ovation, to convey their appreciation and gratitude.
In his address, Mr. Rayees asked the students to work hard and be focused yet remain humble no matter how successful they become. He reminded the students to keep in touch with the school and that it is a matter of great pride and joy, to hear of the achievements of the alumni.
The 141 students of the batch were presented with mementoes by the distinguished guests . 72 students who had completed 14 years of schooling in ISG were specially felicitated.
On this momentous occasion Aarathi Sajeev, the Head Girl, spoke of the many memories made at ISG which they will take with them. Alan Saji , the Head Boy spoke of the antics of his batchmates which will remain etched in their memories no matter where life takes them. Harshini Anbazhagan, President-Student Council said in her speech that the lives of the students were soon to change drastically, but they were ready for it, thanks to the knowledge, skills and values they had imbibed at their alma mater. Meethi Sharma, the Head Girl and Suurya Krisno Ganti the Head Boy of ISG International, expressed their gratitude to the institution that has moulded and groomed them for success. The student leaders also expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the ancillary staff who supported and helped them in various ways throughout their school life.
The function concluded with a special prayer by the Principal, Mrs. Papri Ghosh, seeking the grace of the Almighty for the success of the batch 2022 - 2023.