The members of Indian School Al Ghubra enthusiastically celebrated the 75th Independence Day of India on the 15th of August on a virtual platform. The comperes Pranshu Dasgupta and Kshama Sushil Kumar welcomed everyone to the celebrations. The event began with the National Anthem of India.
Aditya Sharma of class XII spoke about the values and principles which form the foundation of India. He emphasized the need to stand by these principles despite the many challenges faced in these times.
The audio-visual presentation titled ‘India@ 75’ showcased the most significant moments of the Indian nation and the luminaries who made invaluable contributions. A commentary in verse further enhanced the presentation.
The vibrant dance performance by Ananya Panwar, Nabira Parkar, Saujanya Khapali and Swetha K.C. expressed the love and loyalty that resides in the heart of every Indian citizen.
Nayaonika Vasishtha’s speech was a clarion call to the youth of India to script a bright future for India through their vision and hard work.
The school choir comprising Abia Arif, Aditi Bhakat, Laavni Sinha and Sanjana Praveen sang the song ‘Pyaar ki Ganga bahe, desh me ekta rahein!’ It was a reminder to all to stay united.
The energetic dance by Ridhi Singh and Ritika Suresh expressed the aspirations of Indians to excel in every field.
The event concluded with a prayer for the nation by the Principal, Mrs. Papri Ghosh.