The Investiture Ceremony of Indian School Al Ghubra for the academic year 2023 -2024 was held on Tuesday, 23 May 2023. It marked the induction of its newly elected members of the Prefectorial Body in a solemn and stately ceremony. The Chief Guest for the occasion was Ms. Cinzi Farisè Chief Executive Officer, Oman Cables Industry SAOG. The event commenced with the singing of the School Song. The Principal, Mrs. Papri Ghosh accorded a warm welcome to Ms. Cinzia Farisè, who is a multifaceted personality with rich experience in various fields.
The Oath of Office was administered to the student leaders by the Principal, Mrs. Papri Ghosh. They received their badges from the Chief Guest Ms. Cinzia Farisè and Mr. Ahmed Rayees, President of the School Management Committee assisted by the Vice-Principal Mr. G. Sreekumar and the Supervisor of the Senior Secondary Section- Mr. V.S. Kannan.
The Head Girl- Aditi Guru and the Head Boy- Daksh Saraf were the first to be invested. The Vice Head Girl- Ashna Claire Rathish, the Vice Head Boy- Devansh Saraf, the President of the Student Council – Shaivi Kumar, Vice President of the Student Council – Bhavesh Shabu Nair, the Speaker of the Student Council – Alloy Joseph Rickfin, President of Round Square International Services – Yogesh Karthikeyan were also inducted. Jahnavi Vinod and Richik Mandal took charge as the Sports Captain for Girls and Boys respectively.
The Prefects of ISG who were officially inducted were Aarav Tanna, Adhithi Krishnaji, Anish Seth, Beatrice Binoy, Devika Balakrishnan, Diya N. Nair, Himanya Tandon, Ishan Ajay Thakare, Jonathan Robin, Juhi Purvang Shah , Maryam Sihorwala, Mohammdd Zaid Aftab, Parnika Nigam, Paul Joseph Naliath, Pranav Burad, Priyanshu Banik, Rohan G. Sebastian, Sarah Saju, Shrika Shaji, Simran Khanna , Steven Saji Mathew and Vaibhav Ramanathan.
The House Captains sworn in were Ryan Simon and Afida Afthab - Muscat House;
Allan Roy Abraham and Daniella Gonsalves- Nizwa House; Abhinav Rajesh Pittan and Kiara Denise Frank- Sohar House; Vishal Kathi and Vaishnavi Anoop - Sur House.
The members of the Student Council from classes 6 to 12 also took the oath of office.
The Chief Guest Ms. Cinzia Farisè exhorted the newly inducted student leaders to work with honesty and integrity. She advised the students to be of service to the school community and to work with joy and passion. She asked the students to think of innovative and creative solutions as a team for the challenges that they will encounter while performing their duties. She spoke of the need to constantly learn and train themselves to build mental agility and resilience. She hoped that the experience that they gain as leaders will help them when they are adults and they will use their energy to drive change and to achieve sustainable progress.
The song ‘We shall Overcome’ was sung with great gusto by all present which was followed by a prayer for the leaders by the Principal, Mrs. Papri Ghosh. The event concluded with the recession of the Prefectorial Body.