Report on Economics Debate
The Inter Class Economics Debate for classes 11 and 12 was held on Sunday, 19th of November 2023. Students who have opted Economics as their Elective 2 participate in this event which is judged by three senior Economics teachers from other schools. The topic for this year’s debate was “Economic growth has an opportunity cost on Sustainable Development”. 18 participants were chosen, out of these 18 students, 9 students spoke for the motion and 9 students spoke against the motion. The Judges were, Mrs. Annette D’ Silva (ISWK), Mrs. Sujitha T Jojo (ISM), and Mrs. Bindu Thomas (ISD). The following students are the winners.
Best Speaker:
1. Aarav Tanna (12 C)
2. Abraar Mohammed (12 C)
Best Rebuttal : Aarav Tanna (12 C)
2nd Best speaker: Sanjana Praveen (11 D)
3rd Best speaker: Hanisha Chawla (11 D)